Biracial Hair Care

Gabriella's Hair Journey

Too much oil? Weighing her hair down? It looks too moisturizer and weighed down to me. It’s stretched out and easier to style but I’m totally taking her curls out. I gave her a protein treatment and it looks beautiful but the I weighed it down. What’s a mom to do? So I’m thinking of just using coconut oil for a pre poo/hot oil treatment and go back to using the grapeseed/almond oil for daily sealing

Too much oil? Weighing her hair down? It looks too moisturizer and weighed down to me. It's stretched out and easier to style but I'm totally taking her curls out. I gave her a protein treatment and it looks beautiful but the I weighed it down. What's a mom to do?  So I'm thinking of just using coconut oil for a pre poo/hot oil treatment and go back to using the grapeseed/almond oil for daily sealing

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